Seven Months of Puzzles

Warrior Mars left practical Taurus and entered gregarious Gemini on August 20, 2022. He’ll strategize and cut through red tape until March 25, 2023. That’s 7 months spent up-in-the-airy think tanks of curious Gemini! 

This prolonged stay is due to his retrograde journey, an event that happens every two years. Mars will standstill and shift into retrograde at 25°36’ Gemini on October 30, 2022. Mars rarely sits in neutral, so be careful that you slow down to change direction without stripping your gears! 

Warrior Mars in Gemini will be retrograde all of November and December, 2022. Think back to the last time this happened. Mars spent two months retrograde in Gemini in January and February of 2008. Because this coincided with Pluto’s move into Capricorn, it manifested as economic collapse of the banks in the US and subsequently world wide. Gemini is an air sign and Capricorn is an earth sign; they were in incompatible elements. The results were like a speeding roller coaster crashing to a cavernous hole in the ground. 

A second standstill comes as Mars shifts back into forward gear at 8°08’ Gemini on January 12, 2023

What planets do you have in 25-26 degrees, or 8-9 degrees? They are being triggered into action by Mars. The last third of the 30 degrees of a zodiac sign (20 – 30) are culminating points. In the case of Gemini, it’s the time to make a decision! To publish your research. To end the debate.  

To help yourself through these 7 months of conflict resolution, internal and external, notice the 2 days each month when the Moon glides through the sign of Gemini. The Moon is the up close and personal trigger for the slower planets like Mars.

When the Moon joins Mars in Gemini your mind is active and ready to make your ideas known. It’s also the time of the month when ego conflicts erupt quickly. You’ll have strong opinions, and you may want to marshall agreement from others in a demanding way. Watch out for those words that can’t be unsaid. They’ll likely be wrapped in sarcasm. 

While retrograde, this same challenge continues except that its energy becomes introverted–the warrior’s path turns our attention to internal conflicts. 

Our minds might drift into the past, remembering conflicts left unresolved. It’s likely that a relationship was strained by what we were calling a “healthy debate” that degenerated into egoic arguing. 

Two keywords describe the modus operandi of Mars in Gemini– resourcefulness and ingenuity. When this energy is retrograde we feel an extreme restlessness and can become multi-tasking maniacs! For example, it’s not a good time to quit your job, even though–on a whim–it seems like a great idea.

These 7 months are prime time for all you engineers out there. Mars in Gemini loves to solve puzzles, especially in digital technology. You feel happily aggressive and mentally sharp. But be vigilant about cyber security during the retrograde phase. Hackers are also sharp and ready for combat. 

Mercurial Messenger Mercury is the landlord for the house of Gemini. Wordsmiths are right at home in this house of communications. Get out your journal, your manuscript, your screenplay. Retrograde is a great time for revisioning and editing. 

Mars is the warrior of the zodiac. While Rx, we may see a renewed focus on the conflict in Ukraine with Russia. Mars’ on stage role might be the roving reporter, the journalist who catalogs the global landscape in words and pictures.

There’s work to be done! 

Mars in Gemini air makes a harmonious peace with Saturn in Aquarius air. These two powerhouse planets rarely get along. Neither is willing to give way or compromise. At best, it’s usually a standoff–they agree to disagree. But mow we’re getting a big break as these two energies cooperate to inspire patience, perseverance and purposeful hard work.